: Knife of Dreams is ~800 pages. The prologue is 93 pages. 🤨 Yes, reading the Wheel of Time. It’s …

: I’m honestly not sure it’s possible to build a worse time-entry user experience than Netsuite’s. …

: Smart activities have turned into a great feature, especially while traveling. Flighty, Overcast, …

: Mimestream 1.3 has deep links! Sending emails to Todoist is really going to work. 🙏

: So, we got an EV. The old car (which we are going to sell) is a Mazda 3, that I always felt was …

: Guess it’s time to start with regular neck workouts. #AppleVisionPro

: The loading time is the primary thing that makes Apple New+ unusable. I don’t understand how they …

: If you’re using a swiping keyboard, be aware that “dataviz” is very very close to …

: If you’re going to destroy an $80 billion organization over AI fears, at least have the …

: Well. That was an interesting weekend, wasn’t it?

: It occurs to me the important thing about the hype cycle isn’t just where we are, but how high and …

: It occurs to me the important thing about the hype cycle isn’t just where we are, but how high/low …

: It occurs to me the important thing about the hype cycle isn’t just where we are, but how high/low …

: The team at Mindset is looking at the Clean UI5 concept and book, which was discussed a year ago …

: Am I starting to read the Wheel of Time again? Yes. Did I forget that these books are approximately …

: If I build a user experience survey in such a way that people who care about user experience have a …

: Listening to @ismh@mastodon.social on the Connected podcast not know what a skyway is sure is …

: DSAG position paper: Artificial intelligence (AI) - dsag.de is an interesting read to get a grasp on …

: Finished reading: Piranesi by Susanna Clarke 📚

: My team has been working with CoPilot, and working on building SAP-aware in-line assistants (which …

: My team has been working with CoPilot, and working on building SAP-aware in-line assistants (which …

: Foundation season two is what it should have been from the beginning. It was good, sometimes great, …

: Pretty happy the RAG (retrieval augmented generation) acronym is now in widespread use. It …

: Looks like an anti-caste-discrimination bill has been introduced in California. Seems clear that …

: Science is highly political (both internally and externally), and has been since its inception. I …

: Finished reading: Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny 📚 Went into this with really low …

: Why would anyone ever close a dialog box without reading it? And yes, I am sub-tweeting my entire …

: Looks like SAP TechEd call for community speakers is out. TechEd is only in Bangalore this year and …

: New UI5 metadata-driven-controls introduction is helpful for understanding what these are and how …

: Before and after.

: For a moment I misread as XCode and got unreasonably excited.

: Python in Excel looks like it is going to make Excel workbooks into full-fledged Python notebooks. …

: Finished reading: Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells 📚

: Finished reading: Network Effect by Martha Wells 📚

: Finished reading: Exit Strategy by Martha Wells 📚

: Finished reading: Artificial Condition by Martha Wells 📚

: Finished reading: All Systems Red by Martha Wells 📚 Re-read this one on paper this time. Still just …

: Finished reading: Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir 📚 Hilariously weird. Really enjoyed this. The …

: I have to admit, early this morning I read a summary of the LK-99 fracas to date and dismissed it as …

: One secondary goal of the two week vacation has been to piece back together a personal knowledge …

: Heh. First time I’ve tried Threads since being in northern Europe for two weeks. Turns out that …

: The smoke has arrived in Minneapolis.

: Oh, more takes: I didn’t see much demonstration of gesture controls. My guess is that they are …

: Overall take: Vision Pro looks like a really interesting product. It’ll take a couple generations to …

: Vision Pro takes cont: I really hope if supports displaying multiple desktops from your closed …

: Vision Pro takes: Seems a lot like Apple Watch. They don’t really know what it’s for, but they are …

: Wow. ExpressVPN uses some real dark-side account retention design tactics. Time to try a different …

: It’s really cool to see truly multi-modal models becoming a thing. This has been a topic of …

: Finished reading A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚Hard to believe how much fantasy and …

: Um. Is the iOS squirrel emoji actually a chipmunk? 🐿️

: So much of the thinking about LLMs and copyright is inexcusably sloppy. If we think training on …

: Still really not seeing the point of artifact. The new comments don’t seem to add anything either. 😕

: Looks like people are figuring out that off-chain NFTs just point at a representation of the work …

: The Chris Best answer to Nilay Patel regarding racist/xenophobic content on Substack should probably …

: First bike-to-work day! 🎉 First flat tire. 😭

: The whole GM CarPlay debacle has really thrown a wrench in the buy-a-Bolt plan. At this point, …

: Back after being gone for a week. Cat is keeping a close eye on me as I work.

: What would I have liked to see happen with SVB? Something like making 50-80% of uninsured deposits …

: How did camels get such a bad reputation in the design community? 🤣

: Deliberate Practice I’m slowly reading 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know. Do Lots of Deliberate Practice …

: This thread is hopefully not incredibly surprising to those who pay any attention to racism these …

: Bruce Schneier on hacking the tax code. A good voice to listen to on future security and policy …

: In the back of my mind trying to figure out if someone building Nuzzel for the Fediverse would make …

: I found this interview (paid Stratechery subscription required) with Midjourney founder David Holz …

: I’m happy to report that the ChatGPT prompt, “Summarize what this code does in simple …

: Need to write at length about where I see generative models like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion going …

: I feel like chatGPT is going to be the enterprise blockchain of 2023. It’s a real shame, as unlike …

: Finished reading: Exhalation by Ted Chiang 📚 Lots of great ideas and compelling writing. I remain …

: What Can We Learn from Barnes & Noble’s Surprising Turnaround? I haven’t been in B&N …

: Catching up on some reading backlog when I have the time. Am going to be trying to do more of that …

: The lack of a shoveling workout in the Workouts app is a major oversight. ❄️

: Finished reading this a bit ago: Humankind by Rutger Bregman 📚 Some serious confirmation bias …

: Getting recorder lessons from the 6 year old. 🎺

: Yeesh. LastPass and Okta weren’t having a good year, but they are really finishing it off in …

: Looking forward to some quality snow later this week. 🤞

: My basic read on Musk these days: Previously put himself in high-risk, high-reward ventures and won …

: Test post

: Saturday evening lately have been pretty good.

: Seeing some Andor discussion and reminding me that it was really good. First TV show in forever that …

: GPT and machine learning model heuristics GPT-3 has blown up again because of the chat application that OpenAI released. Whenever I’m …

: Thinking a lot about SAP Build Apps. More and more I have come to believe that the killer feature of …

: Whoa. @delta removing club access for international travel in non-premium classes. That’s the big …

: Conjecture: A lot of problems with Slack or Teams usage (e.g. “Hi” followed by … nothing) are …

: The bandages are off the thumb and I’m back to full-strength phone typing! Computer typing needs …

: Ventura has been extremely crash-y the last week. Hoping that the 13.0.1 update fixes that.

: Nice discussion of the role of architecture, comparing construction vs. SAP/IT from my colleague …

: I’ve been poking my head back into Twitter and looking at LinkedIn the last few weeks. Not …

: New words I’m learning courtesy of the very patient @idsintehittapa: killgissa - “Guy …

: NFTs are really interesting, though (as is usual for almost all Blockchain applications) are being …

: Autocorrect of common non-European names is a problem. There’s no standard HTML attribute, but …

: I really enjoy Carrot Weather. 🤣

: Huh. I guess it’s nearly time to get the garden started (indoors).

: Solved the problem by ruling out every possible string interpolation except the correct one. They …

: Things I have never understood and probably never will: bash string processing and interpolation.

: Doing some re-reading and came across one of my favorite notes on gender in examples from the intro …

: I guess it’s time for everyone to update their definition of “efficient” again.

: Oh GitHub. Way to live down to expectations.

: LinkedIn always has a notification, so my brain has correctly adopted the heuristic that LinkedIn …

: Slack seems to be having trouble handling peak-load fairly often lately.

: Pretty much off email for 2 weeks. Now I get to reap the rewards. 😬 It’s good to be back …

: Sometimes nothing works. And sometimes I’m sitting in my office listening to some music on the …

: Quite surprising, but the few hundred hours I put into thoroughly understanding the OAuth spec 10+ …

: HomePod Mini arrived. It’s good. Looks kind of like a tribble. May also act like a tribble. 2nd one …

: Just had my first spatial audio experience with 5.1. Spent the first 2 minutes trying to figure out …

: The Mac Pro with Apple Silicon is going to be fucking nuts. The mini is even looking pretty …

: Nice blog on putting together a full CI setup for ABAP and UI5 leveraging the burgeoning (finally) …

: A few pics from the trip up to the north shore last week. Brisk, but actually a great time of year …

: I’m gonna need the HomePod Mini bulk discount.

: The cricket by my window is back. It is really freaking loud.

: I wrote a blog about thinking through the intersection and conflicts between agile and SAP. It has …

: Did … Siri get a lot faster in the last day or so?

: Starting welcome night Zoom for 2nd grade. Random parent: “How do I change my GOD DAMN NAME?” …

: So, I’m working my way through “Clean Code”. Observations: It’s a book that advocates …

: We have an out-of-control bot in our #general Slack channel. 😱

: Anil Dash is just something else. If you want to hear a great explanation for why openness and good …

: I haven’t seen much about blockchain for a while. Did people finally (FINALLY) get tired of it? Or …

: Thanks to Gregor Wolf, there is now a PostgreSQL adapter for CAP CDS, making it is possible to use …

: After years and years, finding myself turning back to Tiddlywiki for personal knowledge management.

: For the last year I’ve been getting a lot of unsolicited emails from “Business …

: Woah. Visual Studio is pretty religious about this stuff from the Internet.

: Microwaved pizza: Only 50% yuck, but 100% a great way to burn your mouth!

: Touch-screen ARM Macs are going to be amazing as iOS developer platforms. No more simulator because …

: Unless you are talking about an actual pow wow, maybe avoid using the word “pow wow”?

: SAP’s official Fiori Tools VS Code extensions are now available! If you just grab the …

: Public service announcement: If you are using SAPUI5 or OpenUI5, using ODataModel.read is a symptom …

: And I haven’t even watched the WWDC keynote yet. Hoping to leave time to settle back and watch …

: Holy Monday, Batman.

: Any tips on what to do if a particular peripheral being plugged in to a Mac results in overnight …

: Primary technical consulting skills listed in order of importance: Communication Reading …

: Blogger: “Quick tip to rename your master branch to ‘main’!” Commenter: “Let me spend 800 words …

: These Disney+ ads might be getting to me. 😕

: Using my computer outside of its dock for the first time in a couple months. The spacebar is …

: Recently subscribed to @stratechery as I’ve been intending to do for ages. It’s great, …

: A Slack conversation caused me to enumerate the systems I am running right now: 1 Citrix 1 AWS …

: 3 year-old at the dinner table: “Can I be unmuted please?”

: SAP released a bunch of new Code Inspector checks for ABAP Clean Code guidelines. How do you get it …

: Learned about ponyfills on a call with the UI5 team today. What’s your favorite ponyfill? …

: Standing desk report: Day 1 I love the working mode. Great for neck/shoulders. But my feet hurt. …

: Feeling blue. 😂

: Sorry, I waited until the last minute to do some development work and as a result Github is now …

: Quick: What are your most-used emoji? Just slam your top row. 😂😱😬🙏👍🤷🏻‍♂️🙄

: Can I get a citation on this? Because you don’t have to be a social scientist to know that …

: Margot Wollny is killing it with the UI5 2020 overview - blogs.sap.com/2020/04/2… 2 years ago …

: 4 months ago I did not expect that the word “coronavirus” would be in daily use by the 3 year-old.

: Sadly, looks like that hyped novel coronavirus incidence study in California may have had some …

: Choose your own adventure: You sit down to write an email to a friend. “Hi Malcolm,” - p. 52 “Hi, …

: Refactoring: This class is too large Great example of a refactoring process, including the “why” and …

: Quick SAPUI5 tip: sap.m.ListBase has an updateFinished event that provides the total number of bound …

: VSCode is becoming a more and more attractive ABAP development environment thanks to the work of …

: 3-year-old existential angst: “Can we bring matzah with us when we die?” “What if we have to pee …

: April showers bring May flowers? ❄️ ⛄️ 🥶

: Am I submitting my 1st-grader’s attendance automatically using a Siri shortcut? Nah, that’d be …

: Things I have 2 of: Like-new, full-sized pitchforks. Need to invest in some torches?

: Marcello Urbani continues his great, detailed blogs about his ABAPGit development workflow …

: Paul Modderman rewrites the “All the World’s a Stage” soliloquy if it were by an …

: So far, upgrading to Catalina has been Not That Bad™. Reminders syncing again and Airpods Pro …

: My theory that English has a word for everything but we just don’t know it is borne out again: …

: [Leonard Cohen comes on the stereo] 7-year-old: “We don’t like this music.” Dad: “This is some of …

: Gavin Quinn at Mindset also just published a blog on the topic of doing effective remote work (we do …

: That said, you do have to be mindful to work remotely successfully. “Remote” by the …

: Just want to put this out there: I’ve been working primarily (and progressively more) remotely …

: Uh, so @larshvam took the parser from ABAPLint, built a very basic ABAP to JavaScript transpiler, …

: The most important statement in the SAP Community Coding Challenge …

: Quick primer on XSLT from @mwittrock - blogs.sap.com/2020/02/2… XSLT is incredibly useful in …

: Implementing CI on ABAP AS - from @larshvam - blogs.sap.com/2020/02/2… Good overview of your …

: The tools for getting Slack messages out of Slack and into 3rd party apps (to track followup and for …

: That feeling when going over notes for the past weeks and there is a whole page of which you have no …

: Spent the afternoon working with a customer on ABAP package design (yes, the reason I was reviewing …

: A watched Drone CI never boils.

: Review Tobias Trapp’s amazing ABAP package concept blogs. From 2012! …

: 4 years. I meant 4 years. Pure-JS libraries and purely client-side applications are remarkably …

: Just published the first new version of the Reductio library in 10 years. 😱

: We’re hosting a 2nd iteration of our DevOps roundtable in Mindset’s Design Lab the morning on …

: Got ExpressVPN so I could watch shows while in Germany. Kept ExpressVPN because it gives me sane …

: I found this XKCD surprisingly amusing. xkcd.com/2256/ 😂

: Wandering around peeking at people’s Skype windows to try to find the person I am talking with.

: 6 year-old: “Who can whistle in this house?” 3 year-old: “I can’t whistle in any house.”

: Vacation allows some time to start experimenting with generating AST-like constructs for ABAP CDS …

: Is the Spark email client working a lot better now? Seems fast when it had gotten really slow for me …

: Is it actually the case that one cannot create a reminder in the iOS/Mac Reminders app from within …

: Starting to work on Shortcuts a little more in earnest now that Toolbox Pro provides some of the …

: Hmmm, the formatting didn’t work so hot on that last one, I guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️

: Android Studio: I need to update myself. Me: Ok. AS: I’m just gonna download this 250MB update. Me: …

: Companies are getting their money’s worth from Amazon advertising.

: 3 year old: We can’t eat people or animals or houses or ladders. Parent: Sometimes we eat animals. …

: Ok seriously. Where are my new HomePods?

: Delta, Ikea and Goldman Sachs Are Using A.I. and Face Scanning to Decide Whom to Hire. Critics Call …

: What’s Blockchain Actually Good for, Anyway? For Now, Not Much Wait … accurate …

: ‘tis the season.

: Learning to learn Main takeaway I get from this sort of research is that it’s worth spending time …

: Honest to god ABAP static checks fully integrated in Github without an ABAP runtime. …

: The unintentional activation dead-zone in an otherwise packed Apple store. 😂 (I love my HomePod, but …

: Swiping keyboard in iOS 13 is an RSI win. Now I just have to remember to use it.

: It would be really nice if @code would make their RSS feed full-text so that I could finally read it …

: Maybe millennials grew up when decent 🥑s were widely available for the first time in the US and so …

: Writing conference talk abstracts. Too on the nose? ;-) “Pottery, Running, and DevOps: Three things …

: I used to think Slack was a crappy resource-hogging app. Then I installed Skype for Business.

: To be clear, in less than 2hrs, Zoom went from “It’s a feature" to “We are patching to …

: Zoom: We have a great idea to work around Safari prompting to launch an application! Security …

: I’m feeling like iOS 13 Shortcuts is going to change everything.

: Watched the Simone Giertz Video about turning her Tesla into a pickup truck. With the 6 year-old. …

: Glad I looked in on micro.blog this morning to see the conversations @vasta is participating in. Get …

: If you are designing a feedback survey, the number of questions that are marked as “required” had …

: Does the Azure DevOps mobile Story really suck or am I missing something important?

: The 2nd hour of the WWDC keynote appears to have been the most exciting WWDC keynote in years. The …

: My long national nightmare of trying to use 2 different email addresses for different workspaces in …

: Almost-three year old: “You go away and you go away and you go away!” #futureoprah?

: In related news, when I use German words in English my spelling is weird. Kakao + cocoa = cacao

: Tasted straight milk today for probably the first time in 5 years because the 3 year old complained …

: Temporarily back on Twitter for this conference thing. Don’t make me regret it. 😬

: I feel like deprecating startsap/stopsap in favor of sapcontrol was a real missed opportunity to …

: I’m pretty neutral on SAP Solution Manager, but seeing arguments that you should be using it …

: I do sympathize with parents, but on the other hand, you are a control freak who rooted your kid’s …

: If you are basing your entire product on a breach of the terms of use of your platform, be my guest, …

: This @nytimes story on Apple removing parental control apps from the App Store is terrible …

: Reminders have stopped syncing to my phone. Sweet.

: Finished presenting on Fiori Elements at Fiori UX Practitioners' Forum. Now off to MN ASUG meeting. …

: Crap.

: Jumping cars. I thought this wasn’t supposed to happen any more once it was spring. 😕

: Futzing with Docker and the Netweaver ABAP 7.52 Dev Edition again. Woohoo!

: Was hoping for HomePod updates. Oh well.

: Burned by Skype meetings again. I cannot for the life of me figure out if the mute icon is in the on …

: Nice post on levering up your ABAP development approach on LinkedIn - …

: New past-time: Taking screenshots of LinkedIn’s notifications of people looking at my profile …

: Can’t believe I’ve been using this computer for 2 years without BetterTouchTool.

: Updated my LinkedIn profile. Feeling good that I have disabled all LinkedIn notifications. …

: Some really good observations and advice from @vboykis if you are getting into or hiring for data …

: 100 projects on dotabap.org! /via (and congrats to) @LarsHvam

: Watched Star Trek Discovery on Netflix in Germany and really liked it. Will watch the new season on …

: Interesting to think through what would happen if Apple pulled Facebook’s apps from the App …

: Apple revoking Facebook’s enterprise developer certificates for all internal apps is hugely …

: Notes from the frigid north: Currently -15 F. Ten more degrees to go until we bottom out tonight!

: Winter-pocalypse is kicking off Monday with at least a few inches of snow and school cancellations …

: ❄️🌨🥶❄️🌨🥶

: Andrew Gelman on getting rid of letters of recommendation - …

: Really interesting article on important APA guidelines for treatment of men. Via @arsduo

: Challenge: find the typo in this blog by @kellblog about establishing norms, including the norm that …

: Currently reading the Art of Innovation. It’s kind of interesting, but I’m finding most interesting …

: When Apple Photos asks me to tell it who a baby in a picture is, it would be real helpful if it …

: Visiting relatives who have some ceramic tile floors. Inevitable consequence: Apple Watch screen is …

: Facebook’s excuses for its latest privacy scandal are something else. Arguing that competing …

: Proposals for time on Hubble weren’t being blind reviewed? And when they started, suddenly …

: Followed my first Mastodon peep.

: The Role of Theory in Data Analysis - simplystatistics.org/2018/12/1… Really good initial …

: 1st world problems: The 💩 emoji really needs alternate “skin"tones. Just saying.

: Apparently if you are on Mastadon, you can follow me and @ me at @esjewett@micro.esjewett.com

: I’ve got to hand it to Uber. They have hit on a winning formula for burning money at a rate no …

: 2 year-old had a stomach bug from preschool over the weekend and now I’m down for the count. 🤒

: Mind blown. I can use an iPhone or iPad within range as a camera to take a photo or scan a document …

: Small update on the @apple support experience. I was so sad I called them back and was quickly …

: Whew. Just had by far my worst @apple support experience ever regarding the iPhone data usage issue. …

: iPhone XS seems nice except that it burned through my entire cellular data plan (4GB+) after setup …