6 year-old: “Who can whistle in this house?”
3 year-old: “I can’t whistle in any house.”
6 year-old: “Who can whistle in this house?”
3 year-old: “I can’t whistle in any house.”
Vacation allows some time to start experimenting with generating AST-like constructs for ABAP CDS using Antlr4ts. 😬
Is the Spark email client working a lot better now? Seems fast when it had gotten really slow for me before. May be time to switch back.
Is it actually the case that one cannot create a reminder in the iOS/Mac Reminders app from within Mail.app?
Starting to work on Shortcuts a little more in earnest now that Toolbox Pro provides some of the basics. Jira actions via the REST API seem to be first on the list. Oh, and tracking running shoe mileage.
Hmmm, the formatting didn’t work so hot on that last one, I guess. 🤷🏻♂️
Android Studio: I need to update myself. Me: Ok. AS: I’m just gonna download this 250MB update. Me: …
AS: I also need this 850MB thing. Me: 🙄
AS: Er … also this 1.1GB thing. Me: 🤨
AS: … and this HAXM thing. Me: 🧐
Companies are getting their money’s worth from Amazon advertising.
3 year old: We can’t eat people or animals or houses or ladders.
Parent: Sometimes we eat animals. Like chicken.
3 year old: Food-chicken comes from chicken?
Ok seriously. Where are my new HomePods?
If this algorithm isn’t discriminating against people of color, I will eat my hat.
What’s Blockchain Actually Good for, Anyway? For Now, Not Much
Wait … accurate blockchain reporting? Welcome to the trough of (realistic) disillusionment. The water is fine.
‘tis the season.
Main takeaway I get from this sort of research is that it’s worth spending time learning something even if you don’t expect positive ROI from the skill you pick up, because getting better at learning (through practice) is in itself incredibly valuable.
Honest to god ABAP static checks fully integrated in Github without an ABAP runtime. github.com/larshp/ab…
Thanks @larshvam!
The unintentional activation dead-zone in an otherwise packed Apple store. 😂
(I love my HomePod, but Siri is sometimes hilarious.)
Swiping keyboard in iOS 13 is an RSI win. Now I just have to remember to use it.
It would be really nice if @code would make their RSS feed full-text so that I could finally read it in the comfort of my shiny new NetNewsWire feed reader.
As it stands now … 😭
Anyway, TLDR summary: August release is out. Looks awesome as usual.
Maybe millennials grew up when decent 🥑s were widely available for the first time in the US and so think of them as a normal food, on which they spend a tiny % of their annual food budget.
Writing conference talk abstracts. Too on the nose? ;-)
“Pottery, Running, and DevOps: Three things I do, out of which we will manufacture artificial yet compelling analogies that change the way you think”
I used to think Slack was a crappy resource-hogging app. Then I installed Skype for Business.
To be clear, in less than 2hrs, Zoom went from “It’s a feature" to “We are patching to remove the vulnerability tonight”. I’d bet Apple threatened to add the whole app to the insta-ban malware list, not just the local web server.
Zoom: We have a great idea to work around Safari prompting to launch an application!
Security Researcher: Pwned!
Customers: 😱
Zoom: It’s a feature!
Apple: Uh … that was there for a reason.
Customers: 😱😱😱
Zoom: Update, we fixed.
Apple: Already fixed that for you.
I’m feeling like iOS 13 Shortcuts is going to change everything.
Watched the Simone Giertz Video about turning her Tesla into a pickup truck. With the 6 year-old.
She loved it. Especially the f-bombs. 😂 Awesome video!
Glad I looked in on micro.blog this morning to see the conversations @vasta is participating in. Get that sun, and know that your insight is appreciated.
If you are designing a feedback survey, the number of questions that are marked as “required” had better be 0. Just saying.
Does the Azure DevOps mobile Story really suck or am I missing something important?
The 2nd hour of the WWDC keynote appears to have been the most exciting WWDC keynote in years. The first hour wasn’t bad either.
My long national nightmare of trying to use 2 different email addresses for different workspaces in the same enterprise Slack account is finally over. 🙄
Almost-three year old: “You go away and you go away and you go away!”
In related news, when I use German words in English my spelling is weird.
Kakao + cocoa = cacao
Tasted straight milk today for probably the first time in 5 years because the 3 year old complained that her cacao tasted bad. 🤢 For the record, the milk was fine. Milk is just absolutely disgusting.
Temporarily back on Twitter for this conference thing. Don’t make me regret it. 😬
I feel like deprecating startsap
in favor of sapcontrol
was a real missed opportunity to implement a stahpsap
command. Want more bad jokes like that? Come talk to me at ASUG/Sapphire. I’ll be here all week.
I’m pretty neutral on SAP Solution Manager, but seeing arguments that you should be using it because it’s free always makes me chuckle a little. Lots of stuff is “free”…
I do sympathize with parents, but on the other hand, you are a control freak who rooted your kid’s phone and gave every iota of information about their life to some tech bros who don’t give a shit about contracts, so no I actually don’t.
If you are basing your entire product on a breach of the terms of use of your platform, be my guest, but you’ll get no sympathy from me when it comes back to bite you.
This @nytimes story on Apple removing parental control apps from the App Store is terrible reporting. Not once does it mention these apps use mgmt profiles from enterprise accounts in a way that has never been allowed. The crackdown is because of the Onavo/Facebook scandal.
Reminders have stopped syncing to my phone. Sweet.
Finished presenting on Fiori Elements at Fiori UX Practitioners' Forum. Now off to MN ASUG meeting. If you’re there, say hi!
Jumping cars. I thought this wasn’t supposed to happen any more once it was spring. 😕
Futzing with Docker and the Netweaver ABAP 7.52 Dev Edition again. Woohoo!
Was hoping for HomePod updates. Oh well.
Burned by Skype meetings again. I cannot for the life of me figure out if the mute icon is in the on or off position. 😂
Nice post on levering up your ABAP development approach on LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/pulse/bui…
New past-time: Taking screenshots of LinkedIn’s notifications of people looking at my profile and sending them to the people who looked at my profile. Sorry NF - you know who you are.
Can’t believe I’ve been using this computer for 2 years without BetterTouchTool.
Updated my LinkedIn profile. Feeling good that I have disabled all LinkedIn notifications. Let’s see how much leaks through. If I don’t respond to you, it’s because I haven’t seen your message :D.
Some really good observations and advice from @vboykis if you are getting into or hiring for data science or adjacent positions: https://veekaybee.github.io/2019/02/13/data-science-is-different/
100 projects on dotabap.org! /via (and congrats to) @LarsHvam
Watched Star Trek Discovery on Netflix in Germany and really liked it. Will watch the new season on the next trip at the end of the year, I would guess. No spoilers please 😆
Interesting to think through what would happen if Apple pulled Facebook’s apps from the App Store. It would hurt Apple, but I think it would be an effective death sentence for Facebook over the course of 2-3 years. FB is playing with nuclear weapons and they don’t realize it.
Apple revoking Facebook’s enterprise developer certificates for all internal apps is hugely damaging, but I think a fair move given Facebook’s behavior.
Notes from the frigid north: Currently -15 F. Ten more degrees to go until we bottom out tonight!
Winter-pocalypse is kicking off Monday with at least a few inches of snow and school cancellations galore. The deep freeze is scheduled to begin Tuesday…
Andrew Gelman on getting rid of letters of recommendation - statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2019/01/2…
I’m beginning to seriously think we should just award jobs and grad program slots by lottery.
Really interesting article on important APA guidelines for treatment of men. Via @arsduo
Challenge: find the typo in this blog by @kellblog about establishing norms, including the norm that typos in marketing sites are unacceptable damnit. 😂
Currently reading the Art of Innovation. It’s kind of interesting, but I’m finding most interesting and uncomfortable how the language from 2001 is extremely gendered. 18 years is a long time these days.
When Apple Photos asks me to tell it who a baby in a picture is, it would be real helpful if it would tell me the date of the photo. Babies don’t look all that different from each other.