Sometimes nothing works. And sometimes I’m sitting in my office listening to some music on the Homepod, wondering what song it is, so I look at my watch and it is telling me what song is playing.
Sometimes nothing works. And sometimes I’m sitting in my office listening to some music on the Homepod, wondering what song it is, so I look at my watch and it is telling me what song is playing.
Quite surprising, but the few hundred hours I put into thoroughly understanding the OAuth spec 10+ years ago (1.0, 1.0a, 2.LOL) was totally worth it. Yes, I’m debugging an OAuth flow for the 3rd or 4th time this year and it is saving the project days if not weeks.
HomePod Mini arrived. It’s good. Looks kind of like a tribble. May also act like a tribble. 2nd one already ordered…
Just had my first spatial audio experience with 5.1. Spent the first 2 minutes trying to figure out whether my AirPods were working or not. That is some next-level stuff.
The Mac Pro with Apple Silicon is going to be fucking nuts. The mini is even looking pretty attractive.
Nice blog on putting together a full CI setup for ABAP and UI5 leveraging the burgeoning (finally) OSS ecosystem around those tools.…
A few pics from the trip up to the north shore last week. Brisk, but actually a great time of year to visit. There were even some fall colors until the big wind storm on day 3.
I’m gonna need the HomePod Mini bulk discount.
The cricket by my window is back. It is really freaking loud.
I wrote a blog about thinking through the intersection and conflicts between agile and SAP. It has plot. A sort of proto-choose-your-own-adventure, if you will.…
Did … Siri get a lot faster in the last day or so?
Starting welcome night Zoom for 2nd grade.
Random parent: “How do I change my GOD DAMN NAME?”
Recorded, of course. 😂
So, I’m working my way through “Clean Code”.
Observations: It’s a book that advocates “craftsmanship” – a concept I like, a word I hate. The book references 0 women in the index. The two illustrators of the book are women but are referred to as “artists” in the acknowledgements.
We have an out-of-control bot in our #general Slack channel. 😱
Anil Dash is just something else. If you want to hear a great explanation for why openness and good development practice is both worth fighting for and next to impossible to justify, set aside 30 minutes and just listen starting here. Very relevant to the SAP world.
I haven’t seen much about blockchain for a while. Did people finally (FINALLY) get tired of it? Or did we realize it’s actually useless for all but a narrow range of applications, that the industry had been conned, and we’re trying to pretend it didn’t happen?
Thanks to Gregor Wolf, there is now a PostgreSQL adapter for CAP CDS, making it is possible to use PostgreSQL for CAP persistence. That’s great news for general utility of SAP’s CAP frameworks.…
After years and years, finding myself turning back to Tiddlywiki for personal knowledge management.
For the last year I’ve been getting a lot of unsolicited emails from “Business Development” types who want to do business with the company I work for. I just don’t respond. Is this wrong?
Woah. Visual Studio is pretty religious about this stuff from the Internet.
Microwaved pizza: Only 50% yuck, but 100% a great way to burn your mouth!
Touch-screen ARM Macs are going to be amazing as iOS developer platforms. No more simulator because it runs iOS apps natively. My guess is that full iOS will eventually run in virtualization as well.
Unless you are talking about an actual pow wow, maybe avoid using the word “pow wow”?
SAP’s official Fiori Tools VS Code extensions are now available!
If you just grab the extension pack, it’ll install all the tools.
Public service announcement: If you are using SAPUI5 or OpenUI5, using
is a symptom of another problem. Figure out the real problem and solve it. Don’t use
if you can help it.
And I haven’t even watched the WWDC keynote yet. Hoping to leave time to settle back and watch that tonight. 🤞
Holy Monday, Batman.
Any tips on what to do if a particular peripheral being plugged in to a Mac results in overnight kernel panics regularly?
I mean, unplug is when not using, but is it Apple’s problem? The peripheral manufacturer?
Primary technical consulting skills listed in order of importance:
Reading comprehension
Enough general knowledge to know what to Google (which is actually a lot, it turns out)
Everything else
Blogger: “Quick tip to rename your master branch to ‘main’!”
Commenter: “Let me spend 800 words trying to explain my misguided concept of how meaning and reference works in English that appears to be primarily motivated by my existential fear of guilt and responsibility.”
These Disney+ ads might be getting to me. 😕
Using my computer outside of its dock for the first time in a couple months. The spacebar is definitely broken. No longer an Apple keyboard unicorn. 😭
Recently subscribed to @stratechery as I’ve been intending to do for ages. It’s great, as expected. I should have done this a long time ago.
A Slack conversation caused me to enumerate the systems I am running right now:
1 Citrix 1 AWS Workspace 1 Windows Remote Desktop 2 Parallels VMs (Windows and MacOS) 1 Docker running a small Linux container A partridge in a pear tree
Now I’m reevaluating my whole life.
3 year-old at the dinner table: “Can I be unmuted please?”
SAP released a bunch of new Code Inspector checks for ABAP Clean Code guidelines. How do you get it into your system? ABAPGit, of course!…
Learned about ponyfills on a call with the UI5 team today. What’s your favorite ponyfill?
Standing desk report: Day 1
I love the working mode. Great for neck/shoulders. But my feet hurt. Send shoes.
Feeling blue. 😂
Sorry, I waited until the last minute to do some development work and as a result Github is now down. Mea culpa.
Quick: What are your most-used emoji? Just slam your top row.
Can I get a citation on this? Because you don’t have to be a social scientist to know that these numbers don’t make any sense at all.…
Margot Wollny is killing it with the UI5 2020 overview -…
2 years ago I thought UI5 was probably a dead-end. The team has engineered a real turnaround. Most excited about the UI5-tooling project.
4 months ago I did not expect that the word “coronavirus” would be in daily use by the 3 year-old.
Sadly, looks like that hyped novel coronavirus incidence study in California may have had some serious issues. 😕 Concerns with that Stanford study of coronavirus prevalence « Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Choose your own adventure: You sit down to write an email to a friend.
“Hi Malcolm,” - p. 52
“Hi, Malcolm,” - p. 23
“Hi Malcolm.” - p. 41
“Hi, Malcolm.” - p. 34
Which page do you choose? Choose wisely. 😂
Refactoring: This class is too large
Great example of a refactoring process, including the “why” and some of the benefits. I love the sidebars.
Quick SAPUI5 tip:
sap.m.ListBase has an updateFinished
event that provides the total number of bound items. Yet another reason never to use
VSCode is becoming a more and more attractive ABAP development environment thanks to the work of Marcello Urbani, building on the shoulders of @larshvam. This is how open pays off.…
3-year-old existential angst:
“Can we bring matzah with us when we die?”
“What if we have to pee when we die?”
April showers bring May flowers? ❄️ ⛄️ 🥶
Am I submitting my 1st-grader’s attendance automatically using a Siri shortcut? Nah, that’d be unethical. I set it up so it takes one click. 😂
Things I have 2 of: Like-new, full-sized pitchforks.
Need to invest in some torches?
Marcello Urbani continues his great, detailed blogs about his ABAPGit development workflow investigations -…
Paul Modderman rewrites the “All the World’s a Stage” soliloquy if it were by an ABAPer. If you know other languages, it might be kind of funny too. MIGHT BE.…
So far, upgrading to Catalina has been Not That Bad™. Reminders syncing again and Airpods Pro transparency settings are nice.
My theory that English has a word for everything but we just don’t know it is borne out again: Strähne = hank. I have never heard or seen “hank” used in my life. Anyone?
[Leonard Cohen comes on the stereo]
7-year-old: “We don’t like this music.”
Dad: “This is some of mama and papas’ favorite music.”
3-year-old: “Can you please play it when we are at school?”
They really dislike the later Leonard Cohen, sadly.
Gavin Quinn at Mindset also just published a blog on the topic of doing effective remote work (we do a lot of it at Mindset) -…
That said, you do have to be mindful to work remotely successfully. “Remote” by the Basecamp founders is a great resource.…
Just want to put this out there: I’ve been working primarily (and progressively more) remotely on SAP projects for about 6 years now. Started doing 1 week on-site, 2 weeks off. Tapered back to 0% for a while and now probably ~20% on-site. It works.
Uh, so @larshvam took the parser from ABAPLint, built a very basic ABAP to JavaScript transpiler, plus a small webpack loader, and now I’m running ABAP in my web browser. This is like a dream.
Lars’ demo project:…
The most important statement in the SAP Community Coding Challenge (
Quick primer on XSLT from @mwittrock -… XSLT is incredibly useful in an SAP landscape, as it can be executed in ABAP, CPI, and PI/PO.
Implementing CI on ABAP AS - from @larshvam -…
Good overview of your options on the ABAP platform.
The tools for getting Slack messages out of Slack and into 3rd party apps (to track followup and for knowledge management) are just terrible, aren’t they? Is the system share sheet on iOS too much to ask?
That feeling when going over notes for the past weeks and there is a whole page of which you have no recollection. Yeah.
Spent the afternoon working with a customer on ABAP package design (yes, the reason I was reviewing the ABAP package bible yesterday), ATC checks, ABAPGit, and testable ABAP. Awesome to have SAP customer shops pursuing these more advanced concepts!
A watched Drone CI never boils.
Review Tobias Trapp’s amazing ABAP package concept blogs. From 2012!…
4 years. I meant 4 years. Pure-JS libraries and purely client-side applications are remarkably long-lived, but I don’t expect them to be that long-lived. 😂
Just published the first new version of the Reductio library in 10 years. 😱
We’re hosting a 2nd iteration of our DevOps roundtable in Mindset’s Design Lab the morning on Feb. 21. If you manage implementation of SAP software in the Twin Cities area, consider signing up!… @MindsetERP
Got ExpressVPN so I could watch shows while in Germany. Kept ExpressVPN because it gives me sane network access at customer sites … and it’s gonna let me watch Picard. 😂
I found this XKCD surprisingly amusing. 😂
Wandering around peeking at people’s Skype windows to try to find the person I am talking with.